Announcing Tuist Registry

We’re very excited to announce the official release of the Tuist Registry. Read our blog post announcement at: Announcing Tuist Registry

The Tuist Registry builds on the Swift standard called the Package Registry Service to make your builds more reliable, faster, and efficient. For example, you need to download 80 % less data when using the registry – saving space on your disk and making your resolution faster, locally and on the CI!

To get started, head over to our docs: Registry · Develop · Guides · Tuist

We’d love to hear your feedback – let us know in this post or on our GitHub if you have any suggestions or issues that you’ve run into :slightly_smiling_face:

I’d also like to thank the whole Tuist community for giving us early feedback, the Swift Package Index for being the central index for open source Swift packages, all the great folks working on the Swift Package Manager. You all rock :clap: