Using the swift-dependencies package (which is included transitively from TCA), when adding a dependency on the DependenciesTestSupport product to a test target, there’s a build failure.
The build failure is in the IssueReportingTestSupport library in the xctest-dynamic-overlay package, which is a dependency of DependenciesTestSupport.
It’s in the file XCTest.swift.
This file adds functionality for when XCTest is available, and there’s a check at the top of the file #if canImport(XCTest), which appears to succeed as the following code is not greyed out.
However, the code in canImport attempts to access XCTest functions like XCTFail and cannot find them. This is the build failure.
Looking at the IssueReportingTestSupport target, it doesn’t have XCTest as a dependency. Adding it appears to resolve the build failure.
Now I’m using Swift Testing and Swift 6, and since XCTest isn’t a dependency of IssueReportingTestSupport, I wouldn’t even expect #if canImport(XCTest) to succeed and attempt to access XCTest functions.
So I’m not sure what I expect here. If canImport(XCTest) could fail somehow, then Tuist’s behavior of not linking against XCTest would be correct.
Adding DependenciesTestSupport as a test dependency should build fine.
Tuist version: 4.37.0
Reproduction (mandatory for problems)
Add the swift-dependencies package to a project
Create a target with a test target
Add DependenciesTestSupport as a dependency of the test target
Create a test with Swift Testing, import DependenciesTestSupport and try to run it
Building the test target fails
Can you try setting the ENABLE_TESTING_SEARCH_PATHS setting to YES for the IssueReportingTestSupport library in the PackageSettings.targetSettings?
Unfortunately, we don’t know by what magic Xcode knows if a target depends on XCTest when that’s not explicitly declared in the Package.swift. Because of that, we have a hardcoded map of known testing targets for which we add the above setting by default: PackageSettings · Project Description · References · Tuist.
Ideally, we’d figure out automatically if that setting value needs to be set, but that’s easier than it sounds.
That looks like an issue in how we integrate these packages. Would you mind raising an issue and providing some extra details for the behavior you’re seeing vs. behavior you’d expect?