Do not sort references in xcworkspace


My Workspace.swift manifest looks like this:

let workspace = Workspace(
    name: "MY_Project",
    projects: [
        /// iOS App Project
        /// iOS Feature-Projects 

        /// tvOS App Project
        /// tOS App Project

        /// Shared Frameworks


When generating a project, the order of declared projects is different:


It seems there is no practical benefit from that all references are sorted alphabetically.
Why not display them in the order they are defined in Workspace.swift (except for glob patterns)

It might also be a good idea to create a separate Group for projects that are in subdirectories of other project. In my case, feature module projects are in subdirectory of the iOS/ folder, which is also a separate project in itself.

I don’t have any strong opinions on this. I lean on keeping the default as it is, since some developers might have got used to it, and introduce a generation option so that you can change the default based on your preferences. Maybe something like:

generationOptions: .options(projectsOrder: .manifestOrder)