Small changes in how we use GitHub issues at Tuist

We continually refine how we use issues at Tuist to ensure they are effective for us, contributors, developers, and organizations using Tuist. As you may know, issues can easily become a catch-all space, leading to a point—seen in some projects—where they become an overwhelming list of mixed conversations, priorities, and even duplicates.

Today, we rolled out a new iteration of our issue system. Here’s what you should know:

  • Issues are for reproducible bugs or actionable items. We can help turn a reproducible bug into clear steps so any contributor can tackle it.
  • This community forum now hosts feature requests, how-to questions, and large projects. We’d love most discussions to happen here, where we have better tools for sustainable moderation.

When you try to create an issue now, you’ll notice templates that reflect this approach:

Looking for help to triage and resolve issues

If you’re interested in contributing to an impactful open-source project, your help would be invaluable. Here are some ways to get involved:

  • Did someone open an issue? You can verify that it includes a reproducible project and steps. If you’re familiar with the project, you could even outline steps for resolving it so anyone can jump in. If you have questions, just reach out—we’ll help map it to a practical solution.
  • Encountered a solvable issue? Feel free to pick it up, and let us know when you have a PR ready. We’ll gladly review it. Also, if you spot areas for improvement in our contribution docs, PRs are welcome.