Tuist Previews Distribution Rules

Question or problem

Hi, we are considering using Tuist in our organization and wondered how exactly Tuist Preview works.

Specifically with ipa files. Will we have to provide access to our apple id within our business account?

Or is it assumed that each ipa file will be signed using a provision profile, as specified in the apple documentation by adding udid?


What needs to be provided to Tuist so that ipa’s are uploaded and used for installation on physical devices?


  • Tuist version: latest update

We are have about 100 developers and 100 testers. Does Tuist Previews support that many people?

Hey @fixique!

Yes, that’s correct. As mentioned in the docs:

When building for device, it is currently your responsibility to ensure the app is signed correctly. We plan to streamline this in the future.

We might have a look at tackling the signing for teams later this quarter, but as of now, you need to sign the app properly as part of your builds.

Is this a blocker for your team? And if you have any feedback regarding Previews, let us know, we’d love to address any issues/concerns that you might run into that would prevent you from using Previews in your team :relieved:

Thanks for your reply. Our team is currently investigating different ways to distribute builds. IPA signature is not a problem. It would be great if you could add signature out of the box in the future.

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